I have a friend that I confide in as if she were the Virgin Mary.
I'm trying not to [get discouraged]. It just sucks, it's like everyone back home wants me to come back home because it's like, "well, i'm stuck here, so you should be stuck here too!" I feel like I have absolutely no support from anyone back home, except for maybe my mom and she's here with me right now. Well, I have support from one you-know-who and that's not really someone I want/need support from. Ugh, and then I miss Moose. So that's one thing that would keep me sane, but its not like I can stay shut away in my house all day just chillin' with my dog..and then I don't even think my old job will take me back because my old manager left. So that's more reason to stay out here. I dunno. I just have a lot on my plate as you can see. I just don't want to go home and then be stuck at square one again, you know? Become the person I was way back during last summer. Hmm..breathe, Sarah, breathe.