Friday, August 6, 2010

Apparently, crazy couples that love each other and love to abuse each other is the new thing. We always did happen to start new trends.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

My best friends hate my ex.
My ex hates my best friends.
And me? Well, I hate all of them.

It seems like every day I have less and less reasons to go home.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Operation: Seclusion starts monday. And I can't wait. It sucks that it's times like these all I want to do is be myself. I wish I killed you when I had the chance.
I want to go. I need to see you. I can't do this on my own.

I mean..I can. I just, feeling you right now would feel so much better than not feeling you at all.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Who's perfect? Nobody. We all make mistakes.

I'm sure we're a lot like each other now than we ever thought. More than we'd ever imagined. Maybe you're just a lot more like me, now.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Is it weird that when I want children, I just want to send them into the world and let them do as they please? I hate being tied down, and the fact that the bane of their existence is the only thing standing between myself and my freedom kills me. But it's the same for them. So I think it's possible. I mean, Madonna did that pretty much. Didn't she? And Lourdes turned out fine...

Some times I just want so badly to be a mother. And then I think about it, and then I think to myself, "I'd rather not."

It's just like how when I get married, I don't think I will take the last name of my husband. Maybe a hyphenated version, maybe. But, no. That's not me.

I just want pets. Dogs and cats. Pets.