I won't repost it because I'm starting over.
No one should ever go through the amount of tears, misery, and suffering that I have undergone in the past 2 weeks.
But I would do it all over again, if he asked me.
Right now, I am unsure of mostly everything:
-College major
-Career path
-Whether or not I want to stay in San Diego at SDSU
Basically, I am unsure of who I am and what I want to be.
I thought I knew, but after Pablo broke up with me, my mind just draws a blank.
The past 2 weeks I have spent thinking of what I could have, should have, and would have done to keep our relationship strong, and I find that the only thing I could have done different was the entire thing.
He told me that he loved me, and I never believed him when I should have. Because I know he did, but my myriad of issues regarding trust leaves me with no choice.
I thought I had my entire life figured out with him. He helped me figure it out. And now that he wants nothing to do with me, I just don't know what to do. I wish I could just talk to him though, if not as a girlfriend, or a lover, but as a person or a friend. Just to get that sense of stability back. It's hard to see him with other people, especially those people whom have hurt me more than he has. But I will get over it. I know because that is what everyone is telling me. And if there's one thing I should have done 2 and 1/2 almost 3 years ago, is listen.