Tuesday, May 10, 2011

I am just trying to be a good friend to him. Despite how he was never there for me when we ended it. I'm just trying to be a good person. It's okay though. Not very many people are as understanding as I am. With his situation and all. I mean, I've been there. And he actually seems to be enjoying it as much as I did. But his friends...I'm sure it's pretty safe to say he hasn't told most of them, or really any of them. Maybe Ben. I'm sure his brother hasn't even called. It would ruin a good number of them to know. They all look up to him. They always have. Because he's big and strong and confident. And little did they know, he looks up to one of the tiniest, most frail people he knows. Me.

Monday, May 9, 2011

If I ever get married, I want to have as much fun with my husband as this woman does.

Glad I wasn't the only person who noticed how miserable you were. But you'll be out of this mess soon enough. Get better soon, and I will call you in the morning. Love, me.

Let's join forces. We've got our guns and horses.

And I love the zombie marching band.