Tuesday, December 11, 2012

It's been difficult for me lately to face the fact last year at this time I was happy and I was in love. This isn't supposed to be getting harder.

Today was the first time in weeks where I saw someone that reminded me of him. The funny thing was, it wasn't so much that he reminded me of him but that he was essentially the spitting image. Skinnier, maybe a little taller, but his hands were different. And it wasn't until after I had walked right passed him, freaked myself out for a minute waiting for the bus and get on to find that he feels the need to sit right next to me on the bus. Meanwhile I'm squished between my devil's lookalike and his very very large friend or classmate and they talking over me. The most uncomfortable situation I have ever found myself in to this day. I could barely look over at him for a while. The universe is just sending me some tough love I guess that wouldn't yet take me over the edge. But I fear the day it sends me something that does.