I know you're reading this. Because you always do. I hate how I have to talk to you here because I know otherwise you will just yell at me. Please think of how it is to know that you are able to see how I'm doing and how I'm feeling, but only through here, in the comfort of your own privacy because you know no one will look through your history. Why is it that you are able to know how I am doing, but I am unable to see how you are doing? How is that fair? Do you think you're protecting me? Do you think you're protecting yourself? You were always so full of secrets and hiding things. At least if I were talking to people that I "shouldn't" have been talking to, I told you straight up, or you saw because I'm not a fucking coward. Do you think trying to erase me from your life will keep me out of your mind and your thoughts? That's sort of funny because with you trying to erase me, you think about me every time. Just because we said our good-byes, doesn't mean you have to erase me. Are you ashamed of how you were with me? Do you think that if your friends found out, they would be mad at you? Or call you a pussy or a faggot? And tell you to man up? I do. That's just how your friends are. Some of them, at least. So afraid of showing some sort of feeling or emotion, so that no one would ever think you were weak. But that's where you're wrong. By hiding your emotions, YOU are the weak one. I feel sorry for you.
I'm sorry that all I ever wanted you to do was feel how you made me feel. Whether it was happiness, love, sadness or even anger. I just wanted you to feel.
I've really only wanted what's best for you. You should know that. But if you've reached down to here, and you have the balls to take a risk, without your cheerleading squad of friends whispering into your ear to resist, call me after you read this.
Love Always,
ps. Kitty said she will miss you a lot.
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